January is hard. There’s so much pressure to start fresh and “seize the day.” But honestly I think it’s kind of crap. The second that you slip up perfectionism takes over. Telling you that it’s too late, call off the entire goal, turn around, crawl into bed and never try again. Just because you didn’t […]
He brushed back her bouncy curls and smiled at her. A smile that only she would ever be able to get out of him. Each pearl draped around her neck represented a love. The love that her father and mother shared. The love that their families were uniting in. The love that was being passed […]
The snow fell softly. She couldn’t even feel it land on her cheek. As it fell all around them, their eyes were locked on each other. The world is full of distractions. The Christmas lights and the busyness of downtown would’ve captured their attention any other day. But in almost one week they would be […]
She could hear his heartbeat. They were both soft spoken, but their nerves did all of the talking for them. He had taken her to this movie hoping to get her laughing, but her eyes showed confusion. Once he took his attention off of her, he realized that the movie was terrible. His eyes looked […]
Tradition. Usually a constant but somehow ever changing and growing. It’s beautiful in the way that it ties us all together. Whether Christmas family portraits are in your calendar each year or you’re experiencing your first photo session together, the love expressed is the same. The joyful smiles are the same. I’ve been doing Christmas […]
He was reacting only on his instincts. Trusting his eyes to have his surroundings memorized. In an instant he had scanned the entire battle zone and had already decided on a plan of action. With out a second thought he was on the move. Each hit he landed was only a small victory. But the […]
She took off running down the bridge, leading the way. There was a bounce in her step, being a big sister and a leader is just apart of who she is. Her younger brother was stopping on each step wanting to play in the leaves, but she knew exactly where she was going. Running, playing, […]
There is something about being in your senior year. Not quite an adult, but definitely not a kid anymore. Being torn between worrying about your friends and worrying about your future. There is so much to take in and process. But there’s a sense of excitement within Tyler. Pride that is evident in the way […]
She nervously swung her feet against the edge of the dock. The sun was setting, but their conversation was just starting. Hours had passed since he had walked her through the park, but it felt like minutes. They stared out at the water, underneath the trees, and just talked. They left the real world behind, […]
She took a deep breath. Remembering every moment. Feeling every ounce of air enter her lungs. She was surrounded by her closest friends and family. Flowers from father to her left and flowers from her husband-to-be to her right. Her son looked up at her and she realized she was about to marry his father. […]