Dedicated to couples who's love is uncontainable and the memories that they have created and have yet to come. Based in Mansfield, Ohio. Available for travel.

WayPoint 4180 Wedding – Second Shooting with Annie Trammel Photography

She took a deep breath. Remembering every moment. Feeling every ounce of air enter her lungs. She was surrounded by her closest friends and family. Flowers from father to her left and flowers from her husband-to-be to her right. Her son looked up at her and she realized she was about to marry his father. Her nerves faded to excitement. She looked up at Annie, her photographer. The one who had captured her engagement photos. The one who led her through the process all the way up to today. Her wedding day. She let out a giggle, and Annie wrapped her up in the biggest hug. In just 30 minutes she would have a husband. And the rest of her life would begin.

I watched Annie as she interacted with each bridesmaid and family member with pure love and a heart to serve them. She led them through the day providing comfort and capturing each emotion they had felt, so that Liam, the son of the bride and groom, along with the rest of the family would be able to hold onto these images forever and always know just how much his mom and dad loved one another. As each moment unfolded, so did stories. The story of Whitney and Cory’s love will be preserved and passed along through laughter, words, and most importantly images.


Thank you for letting me accompany you on this special wedding day. Second shooting for a photographer that has the same heart to love and serve as I do is incredibly rewarding. The passion and love you have devoted to Whitney and Cory is unmatched. I had the best time serving alongside of you and celebrating this amazing couple!

Congratulations to Whitney & Cory!

Here’s to a lifetime of documenting love stories as powerful as this one!

comments +

  1. Krissy says:

    A beautiful blog and photographers capturing the most incredible photos! ❤️

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