Dedicated to couples who's love is uncontainable and the memories that they have created and have yet to come. Based in Mansfield, Ohio. Available for travel.

For My Sister

It had just rained. She ran in the grass, splashing water everywhere. She couldn’t help but jump around. Doing cartwheels, twirling, flinging her hair. It isn’t in her nature to be still. Always looking for the next adventure.

She is her own person. Not at all like me. So sure of the path she’s following and so determined to get there on her own. She’s always been that way. Since the day she started walking, she’s been wandering around, trying new things. Something I wish I was brave enough to do. She floats like she’s walking on air. No one else knows where she’s going, but she does and that’s all that matters. Since the day she was born I wondered what her passions would be, what her voice would sound like as she grew, and if she’d be just like me.

Tay Tay,

Thank you for always being my model. Sometimes I have to tickle a smile out of you but I wouldn’t have it any other way. Growing up with you by my side has been the biggest blessing and I’m so ready to be your cheerleader through this season of your life just like you have been mine. As you grow and learn who you’re meant to be, I hope you remember how playful and fun you are and know that happiness follows you everywhere you go.

comments +

  1. Susan says:

    Kaitlynn, this is a beautiful tribute to sister love and tells us about you too. I love your words and how they flow. I hope you will think about writing a book. I have ideas if you need any.
    Your pictures are amazing.

    • Kaitlynn Winters says:

      Thank you! I’m so glad you follow along! I would love to write a book eventually and would love to hear your ideas!

  2. JoAnn Andrews says:

    Love the depth of field shots ‼️😍

  3. Blessed with the best says:

    So beautifully written! You have such a way with words. I agree you should write a book. You described her best, so proud of you!

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