Dedicated to couples who's love is uncontainable and the memories that they have created and have yet to come. Based in Mansfield, Ohio. Available for travel.

Mount Jeez Engagement Session – Emma & Ethan

When you grow up with your future husband, you learn a lot about what it means to be loved through all of your phases of life. He loved her when she was and bit clumsy and goofy her sophomore year of high school. He held her hand at her graduation and called her everyday while she was at college. He celebrated her victories big and small and does the same now in her professional career. Now, life looks a lot different than it did when they were just kids in high school. It is everything they had dreamed of as they plan for a marriage and have started building a life together.

Emma & Ethan,

Your love shines through the darkest of clouds. I hope you always look back on the story of your relationship with giggles and a giddy heart. It has been my greatest honor to hear the stories and capture your joy as it is right now in this season of life. Your wedding day can’t come soon enough. In the meantime, I hope these images remind you of your heart for each other. I will forever be cheering you on!

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