Dedicated to couples who's love is uncontainable and the memories that they have created and have yet to come. Based in Mansfield, Ohio. Available for travel.

Kingwood Center Gardens – The Arnold Extended Family

The Arnold Extended family got to celebrate the 40th wedding anniversary of Denny and Carla this weekend and it warms my heart to see how their legacy of love was passed on to the next generation. With 5 kiddos all under 5 years old, life gets kind of crazy, but the memories all of the kids will have of chasing each other, fighting over goldfish, and big hugs from grandma and grandpa is enough to make all of the chaos worth it.

The Arnold Extended Family,

I loved getting to watch you all interact with one another. Each of the kids are so lucky to be born into the legacy of love that you’ve created from them. They get to witness grandma and grandpa’s love for each other with their own eyes. The patience, humility, and serving heart that it takes to love each other as well as you all do is something I will always admire. I hope these images forever serve as a reminder for the love and joy you have for each other.

comments +

  1. Laurie McIntyre says:

    Gorgeous pics

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