Dedicated to couples who's love is uncontainable and the memories that they have created and have yet to come. Based in Mansfield, Ohio. Available for travel.

Kleer View Christmas Tree Farm Mini Session

Everyone knows how special an image can be, but not everyone loves to jump in front of a camera. But, this sweet family is so willing to give me their best smile and show their love for each other. Alyssa has reached out to me for two sets of family photos already this year, and each time she brings a long a new piece of their sweet family that I’m so eager to capture.

At the end of our session together sweet Alyssa turned to the rest of the family, absolutely filled with excitement, and said, “So…I’m thinking we’ll do another session in the spring time!” My face lit up as the rest of the family laughed out loud. Her sweet excitement for freezing these moments is so contagious.

Alyssa’s joy for family photos made the photographer in my giddy with excitement, but it made the more personal side of me question why I always shy away from the camera when it’s my turn to say cheese. As I put these images together it made me realize all of the moments that I should be cherishing and freezing in my own life. We are a generation that is so lucky to have been able to capture every moment of our fast moving lives through images. And this sweet family taught me just how valuable I should hold my own images in my heart–even if getting behind a camera can seem a bit uncomfortable.

Terry, Tammy, & Family,

Your family has yet to amaze me. On each session I feel as though you open my eyes to something new that I should be valuing the same way that your family does. I had so much fun capturing your fun and loving dynamic. Never stop jumping in front of a camera and making each other laugh.

Happy Holidays!

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