Dedicated to couples who's love is uncontainable and the memories that they have created and have yet to come. Based in Mansfield, Ohio. Available for travel.

Seltzers Park Family Session

The whole family was crowded behind me as we all shouted to get Grayson’s attention. Everyone was calling for him, to get him to even glimpse at the camera, but he was so fixated on the Dinosaurs that were living in his imagination! To Grayson the bridges in the park were caves, and he could name each Dinosaur he saw living inside. His eyes lit up when he said “stegosaurus!”

His mesmerization brought me back to my childhood. Everything looked bigger and brighter! Harper and Grayson are so lucky to be growing up surrounded by love and new adventures. Watching these two interact brought the biggest smile on my face! On the session, I asked Harper if she was willing challenge her younger brother to a race…whoever reached my camera the fastest won! Although I’m pretty sure Grayson was still focused on Dinosaurs or rocks and I doubt in a few days Harper will remember her victory, the giggles were so timeless. I hope that as these little ones get older, they can look back on these images and remember the way they laughed when they bumped into each other, or how the rest of the world seemed so big.

The Stine Family,

Thank you so much for letting me capture this season of life for you! Harper and Grayson are so lucky for all of the blessings and joyful moments you have built as a family. I hope you always remember the jokes and laughter from when Grayson was most definitely sick of us begging him to smile at the camera! I’m so grateful I got to watch as Grayson explored this big world and Harper led him through it!

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