Dedicated to couples who's love is uncontainable and the memories that they have created and have yet to come. Based in Mansfield, Ohio. Available for travel.

Kingwood Center Gardens Fall Senior Session – Sophia Long

Her eyes widened and a smile consumed her face after I asked her, “What’s next? Are you excited?” Graduation felt worlds away, but planning for her future was fulfilling. Juggling the feeling of excitement for what comes next, but still trying to enjoy every last moment of high school is such a surreal season of life. Her final school year is here. All of her hard work is about to be recognized and her future will begin.

I had so much fun with Sophia capturing this sweet season of the end of her high school career. Her joy for her family and friends just radiates off of her. Listening to her talk about her last basketball and track seasons and hang onto her friends that have been by her side since the beginning of school is so special.


I’m so grateful to have captured these moments for you. Always remember your heart is full of so much joy. I hope that for the rest of your senior year and every year after as high school becomes a memory, these images serve a reminder of your kindness and goals. Just promise me you’ll hold onto this year. One day you’re just a normal high schooler…and the next you’re a SENIOR! The good news? You still have time to slow down and hold onto these moments before you dive into your future.

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