Dedicated to couples who's love is uncontainable and the memories that they have created and have yet to come. Based in Mansfield, Ohio. Available for travel.

Kent State University – Elaina’s Cap & Gown Session

There’s something special about walking around campus one last time as a student. It’s really a strange feeling, the place that’s been a second home just becoming a part of your story. All of the hard work and late nights just becoming a memory. But when you’re lit on fire with excitement because you know what’s to come is just as joyful and meaningful, it’s easy to take that step to tomorrow. I’ve never met someone more deserving of the future in front of them. I had so much fun celebrating with Elaina this weekend and I can’t wait to see where this life takes her.


I hope you carry your joy with you through this season of life and every one after. The way you talk about your future and your experience at KSU lights a fire in your eyes. I hope you are forever reminded of that feeling every time you look back at these images. Where ever life takes you, I will forever be cheering you on.

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