Dedicated to couples who's love is uncontainable and the memories that they have created and have yet to come. Based in Mansfield, Ohio. Available for travel.

1885 Farms Summer Wedding – Baeleigh & Nathan

If I had to describe Baeleigh & Nathan in just one word, I would say gracious. They are gracious because of the love they get to share. They are gracious because of the family & friends that have surrounded them with an overwhelming amount of support. When they look you in the eyes and say thank you, you feel their gratitude and I surely felt it on their wedding day.

I’ll never forget when I first arrived to Baeleigh’s getting ready room. Her eyes were full of excitement (and I think mine were too!) The first thing out of my mouth was Happy Wedding Day! And the first thing out of Baeleigh’s was Thank you so much—how are you? Do you have everything you need? How can I help you? This is just one example of true gratitude and servants heart Baeleigh & Nathan share with each other and with everyone around them. And for that reason, they have built an incredible foundation for their marriage.

Baeleigh & Nathan,

I’ve loved getting the chance to observe and document your love. I’ll never be able to express the gratitude in my heart for being a part of your wedding day and your engagement. I know that the kindness that you show one another will always lead each other to immense support and love. And I hope that these images forever serve as a reminder for the way you love each other. I will always be cheering you on!

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