Dedicated to couples who's love is uncontainable and the memories that they have created and have yet to come. Based in Mansfield, Ohio. Available for travel.

Audubon Preserve Garden Session – Delight Leadership

When I first started my college career at Ashland University, I was terrified. I didn’t engaged much with anyone in my classes. I really just kept to myself, put my head down, and got the work done. But since I’ve gotten to interact with communities on campus and meet lifelong friends, I really came alive. These girls embody everything that it means to care about others on campus. They’re always so inviting. They share the truth of God in caring way and lead with their hearts.

2023 Delight Leadership Team,

Wow. What an honor it is to serve for you sweet girls. Capturing your light and joy the past two years has been so incredibly heartwarming. I love seeing the strong foundation that this group stands upon hold true into campus and every individual you interact with. To me, these images represent the joy, kindness, and listening hearts that you all share. I can’t wait to see what you accomplish this year!

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