Dedicated to couples who's love is uncontainable and the memories that they have created and have yet to come. Based in Mansfield, Ohio. Available for travel.

Mt. Jeez Overlook Summer Senior Session – Tessa Slone

Fall is a season of change for anyone, but especially for a high school senior. Juggling the feeling of excitement for what comes next, but still trying to enjoy every last moment of high school. There’s something so meaningful about making your senior session your own in a way that represents you perfectly. As soon as Tessa told me her favorite color is pink, I knew we were going to have some fun! Every piece of these images represents the joy that Tessa shares with those around her, and I couldn’t be more grateful to capture it.


Always remember your heart is full of so much joy. I hope that for the rest of your senior year and every year after as high school becomes a memory, these images serve a reminder of your kindness and goals. Senior year is so special, but I promise you it passes by quickly. No matter where your heart leads you, I hope you always look back on this time with gratitude for who you’ve become.

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