Dedicated to couples who's love is uncontainable and the memories that they have created and have yet to come. Based in Mansfield, Ohio. Available for travel.

Downtown Mansfield Studio Family Session

As I was leaving this family session my heart was so full. We know that our time with the people that we love goes by too fast but we don’t always take all of the pictures we should and hold onto all of the memories we want to. Cara and Grant are so loved by their parents and that love has been passed down to sweet Milly and Olivia! 

As we were packing up after the session their dad looked at me and said, “I’m really proud of those kids.” In just a few moments he opened his heart to me, explaining their professions and how he’s watched them grow into adults. 

Cara, thank you for introducing me to your family. The love you share for one another is not only admirable but contagious. Hold onto each other as you grow and I hope these images always remind you of your silly, fun, unconditional love. 

P.S. Happy early birthday Liv!! 

comments +

  1. Caroline Dalton says:

    Very nice pictures! Love ❤️ them ! Thanks Kaitlynn!

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