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Goal Setting & Perfectionism – Conquering Your New Years Resolutions

January is hard. There’s so much pressure to start fresh and “seize the day.” But honestly I think it’s kind of crap. The second that you slip up perfectionism takes over. Telling you that it’s too late, call off the entire goal, turn around, crawl into bed and never try again. Just because you didn’t drink enough water, missed a workout, and went to bed early instead of reading that next chapter in your book, you should just quit. It’s too late to be perfect so why do anything at all. Why should you hydrate, workout, or read tomorrow?

Because goals are imperfect. Slacking off today doesn’t give you permission to quit tomorrow.

Last year I remember I wrote out a long list of things I wanted to tackle in the new year. To be honest, I gave up on almost all of my goals (and probably in February). BUT there was one goal I reached, and it wasn’t because I was perfect at it. If you know me you probably know how much I love learning from Amy & Jordan Demos…they’re really great people, photographers, and educators. Early in January I found their reading list on their website that consisted of 12 different books to read, one per month throughout the year. Here’s the link to their 1 year reading plan!

I started reading each book just as they recommend-and in May I got bored. I had loved the way most of the authors had written to keep me engaged but in May it felt like such a drag. Funny enough the book was all about goal setting, which I despise enough to tell you how aggravating it is in this blog post. It was full of great content but it was hard to read. Beginning of May was finals week for my classes, so of course I ignored the book. Before I knew it, it was May 20th. The month was practically over and I still had 300 pages to read. 

I was so close to giving up. I didn’t finish the book until half way through June. Thankfully I loved the next to speed read it and catch back up with my goal. But I could’ve walked away from the goal entirely. The month was over, I technically broke my perfect streak. 

I don’t know why I kept reading. It could have been because I was conscious of my goals, but it was probably because I would’ve felt like I wasted $10 if I didn’t at least finish it. 

This year a lot of my goals are quick wins that will pay off in the future like starting a retirement fund, creating an email list, and reoccurring monthly savings transfers. 

But I’m also exciting to push myself with goals that require daily recognition and attention like bible reading for 15 minutes each night and closing my Apple Watch rings at least 5 days a week. 

However you decide to set goals. Don’t be afraid when you fail, because you will. It’s almost guaranteed that there will be days where my watch is buzzing at me to go run and I take it off and throw myself into bed. That’s okay. That’s not my goal, but it doesn’t give me a reason to walk away from the goal completely. 

This blog exists to give you permission to fail. Go after the low hanging fruit in this goal season but don’t be afraid to keep working towards your New Years resolution even if you already messed up. 

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