Dedicated to couples who's love is uncontainable and the memories that they have created and have yet to come. Based in Mansfield, Ohio. Available for travel.

Downtown and Grassy Field Session

Her eyes widened and her smile consumed her face after I asked her, “What’s next? Are you excited?” Graduation felt worlds away, but planning for her future was fulfilling. She had been pouring into her studies, taking college courses, accepting leadership roles in FFA, and advancing in her athletics. Her final school year is almost here. All of her hard work is about to be recognized and her future will begin. She eagerly told me her plans for college and everything she was looking forward to during her last year of high school.

Just listening to sweet Cheyanne talk makes me smile. Her joy for her family and friends just radiates off of her. She is patient and kind. She cares for others with all of her heart and soul. She was telling me about how fast her siblings are growing up. How her sisters are getting so big and sassy, and her baby brother is amazed with the world. I don’t think she realizes how much *she* has grown up.


I’m so grateful to have captured these moments for you. Your joy is contagious and your future is full of beautiful things! Just promise me you’ll hold onto these memories. One day you’re just a normal high schooler…and the next you’re a SENIOR! The good news? The school year hasn’t started. You still have time to slow down and hold onto these moments before you dive into your future.

comments +

  1. Leigh Coffman says:

    Amazing!!! The description you wrote so perfectly of chey is so spot on. Then you captured it with pictures as well! Thank you!!!!

  2. Cheyanne Coffman says:

    Oh Kaitlynn I love this! You are amazing at what you do! These pictures are out of this world and so are your kind words!!

  3. Laurie says:

    Love them all and Chey is the sweetest

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