Dedicated to couples who's love is uncontainable and the memories that they have created and have yet to come. Based in Mansfield, Ohio. Available for travel.

Downtown Senior Session

Growing up in a small town is growing up in a family. It’s living in the memory of your classmates, standing pridefully in your school colors, and welcoming anyone and everyone over for dinner. Growing up with roots so strong and so close to home gives you the strength and the courage to branch out. It gives you the ability to dress in your cap and gown, take a deep breath, and walk into the next chapter of your life–fearlessly. You’ll feel your classmates presence as you dream upon your future. You’ll remember the experiences that made you laugh and the ones that made you cry. But you’ll jump into the new beginnings anyway and trust that you’ll figure out how to fly on the way down.

Callie May,

Your journey is just beginning. Always remember how bright you shine and share that light with the world. There’s not enough congratulations in the world to prepare you for the successes that await you. No matter where your future takes you, I hope you always remember who you are. The bright-eyed and barefoot little girl that never backed down from a challenge. Take her courage with you as you chase after your future.

comments +

  1. Laurie McIntyre says:

    These pics are awesome, I love that one grandaughter taking pictures of another one!!! Love them all!!

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