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Downtown Galion Cap & Gown Session

Graduation. A piece of life that comes and goes much faster than ever expected. It’s such a short season of life. Figuring out which side the tassel goes on, anticipating walking across a long stage with out tripping in your new heals, and feeling so honored in the town that you’ve grown up in. Miss Natalee M. Perkins written in cursive lettering across both a diploma and a degree is exciting. It represents the world of possibilities that lie ahead. Not only is it a representation of your future but it is also a symbol for your past. A symbol for the late nights of working on homework on the bus after a basketball game. A symbol for all the times you thought you weren’t going to be able to get through the school year without losing your mind. But most importantly, a symbol for the family and friends that stood with you, not only as you prepare to walk across the stage but also through each year of your life.


May you never stop learning. Through college, your future career, and the rest of your life I hope that you are challenged. And with each challenge I hope you continue to grow as you have been throughout your life. Remember these moments standing shoulder to shoulder with your classmates. These moments with the teachers, teammates, and peers that made you better each and every day. As you dress in your cap and gown remember that you are a light to everyone around you. Spread your joy where ever you go and know that you have an army cheering you on.

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