Dedicated to couples who's love is uncontainable and the memories that they have created and have yet to come. Based in Mansfield, Ohio. Available for travel.

Gorman Nature Center–Couple Session

In between the snow, ice, and rain we got the most beautiful February day here in Ohio, just in time for Ella and Ian’s session at Gorman Nature Center. Most (but not all) of the snow and ice had melted and we had to trudge through pure mud (and occasionally really icing sections) to get these beautiful images. I specifically remember saying Please don’t slip or fall! over and over again. Each time we made it to a patch of mud or ice Ian would so kind-heartedly reach out for Ella’s hand and lead her through it. Watching these two interact and be their truest selves was the biggest gift throughout this entire session.

Ella & Ian,

I hope that these images serve as a reminder of the way you feel about one another. Your joy was so contagious during our time together and I hope that you can feel the real emotions in these images as much as I can. Just looking at these sweet photos I can almost hear your sweet laughter! Thank you guys for the most fun session this week; I’m so lucky to get to serve beautiful and joyful couples like you!

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