Dedicated to couples who's love is uncontainable and the memories that they have created and have yet to come. Based in Mansfield, Ohio. Available for travel.

Family Memory Session

I called sweet Vickie Wednesday night to talk through the details of this impromptu session. I knew from the instant she answered how special this session was going to be. She said she was baking cookies because her entire family was coming home to be with her over the weekend. She talked with such pride when she told me about each of her 6 boys and their own little families. She explained to me how they’ve all started such wonderful lives–some have even packed up and started careers in other states.

When I got to our session I started to understand why she was so proud of all of them. They welcomed me in and gave me the best laughs. Most importantly, they shared their joy with me. It’s not easy to crack jokes and be willing to stand in front of a camera for an hour, but they made it so joyful.

The Luster Family,

Thank you for inviting me to capture your family legacy. In the short time I spent with you I realized that your family truly knows how to enjoy everyday. I hope that these images remind you of your wonderful and contagious joy. There’s not a doubt in my mind that the strength of your love and laughter will always over come what you face. I’m so appreciative to have shared such beautiful laughs with you and wish you the best memories.

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