Dedicated to couples who's love is uncontainable and the memories that they have created and have yet to come. Based in Mansfield, Ohio. Available for travel.

In-Home Newborn Session

There’s nothing sweeter than a home full of little ones. While sweet Samuel was posing for my camera, Cassandra and Brian opened their hearts to me. I learned all about their memories of growing up–grandpas farm house and family dinners where cousins feel like siblings and all your worries melt away over grandmas chicken noodle soup. This is a life I have lived as well so watching Samuel lay perfectly comfortable and content with his new life was such a beautiful sight to see. Knowing that he is being welcomed into a full home and loving family is overwhelmingly exciting.

One of my favorite images in this gallery is the shot of his little toes. The same toes that have never touched the grass but one day will learn how to run wild in the backyard with his brother and sister. Looking onto this new soul and knowing how much love is ahead of him is the strongest reminder of cherishing the time that we’ve lived that he has yet to learn about. One day Samuel will get to hear all of the stories (and more) that Cassandra and Brian have shared with me. He’ll get to look back on the images of his mom and dad’s engagement session, wedding day, maternity session, and now his very own newborn images. What an honor to be able to be the one who froze these moments for him.

Cassandra & Brian,

Getting to know you and your family over the last few years has been such a blessing in my life. Your effortless love and laughter is one that I hope you never lose. I hope these images always serve as a reminder of how valuable your bond and love is. Samuel Wayne is such a beautiful baby boy, and I congratulate your family from the bottom of my heart.

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