Dedicated to couples who's love is uncontainable and the memories that they have created and have yet to come. Based in Mansfield, Ohio. Available for travel.

Christmas Tree Farm Mini Sessions

Family is one of those special things that has no limits. Every family looks a little bit different from a new household of 2 with a growing and hyper pup to a full house with lots of sweet kiddos! However, they do have one thing in common–love is at the center of every family. Let’s not lie, Christmas & the Holiday season can be exhausting, but stepping away from gift wrapping and planning was such a blessing during these holiday mini sessions! Honestly, I felt completely disconnected from the world, with all of my focus on capture the love of each and every family! And these beautiful families did not make that a hard task–the giggles, the excited puppy, and most importantly the love was so joyful and apparent in every image.

The Grosscup Family,

From your engagement session, to your wedding, to Christmas photos, thank you for always supporting me and bringing the truest form of joy every time your in front of my camera! Your little family is only beginning, being a witness to the beginning is something I will always be grateful for. As you grow together, never forget the way your eyes light up when you make each other smile or the way Duchess loves to jump on you!

Tara, Kyle, & Family,

Your family has grown right before my eyes! But I have a feeling 2022 is going to be full of even more joy & growth. I’ll always admire the way you laugh together–Kindsey and Oaklyn never ceased to make me smile! The source of joy you have created for those sweet girls will forever follow them. Thank you for joining me on my photography journey for the second year of holiday sessions, I’ve loved growing with your family!

The Collins Family,

Your family just doesn’t feel complete without everyone in the same place–so getting to capture these images of your full house all together was something I’ll never forget! Being around your family is such a strong reminder of what it means to love one another, from Thomas clinging to Chance, to the girls giggling together, to watching the adaptability and joy you give to each other!

Happy Holidays! As they say, ’tis the season & spread your love!

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