Dedicated to couples who's love is uncontainable and the memories that they have created and have yet to come. Based in Mansfield, Ohio. Available for travel.

Kingwood Senior Session

Your senior year is the toughest. Decisions looming over you and the time you thought you had slipping away. The value in this journey comes from the memories. The laughs when you go out to eat after the home football game. The love your parents showed you rushing around making sure that you have everything you need. The excitement of your team mates screaming in your face.

However, the best memories are the ones you can’t describe. The best memories are not the memories that you have, but the memories others have of you.

On our session together, Camden was not in his comfort zone. The same way most High School boys are just not as excited about getting their senior photos done compared to High School girls. However, while we were walking to our first spot for these images, Camden said to me, “Thank you so much for doing this.” I was immediately taken aback. We spent the entire session laughing and smiling but this small sentiment of gratitude stuck with me.


Your success can be measured by the way you make others feel. The pressure of choosing a college, major, or even a senior photo can seem like it could make or break you. Although those decisions are incredibly important, you will be more valued for the way you value others. On our session together, you were cracking jokes and making every one smile, even though you weren’t all that excited about being dressed up and having to smile at a camera. I hope that these images remind you of the relationships you’ve built at SHS and I hope that you take those jokes and smiles with you where ever you go in your future.

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