Dedicated to couples who's love is uncontainable and the memories that they have created and have yet to come. Based in Mansfield, Ohio. Available for travel.

Clearfork Reservoir Family Session

Family walks are such a special time to build up your family and step away from the burdens of everyday life. For my family, a walk was usually just around our block in our small neighborhood, or maybe riding bikes with my sister. However, we would never get too far from home. For this beautiful family, who live near the Clearfork Reservoir, a family walk was full of adventure. When we discussed the location for this fall family session, I could tell that they had shared so many memories and laughs in this remote little area.

Everyone in the family, knew this small wooded path, like the back of their hands. They led me back, and I was so eager to capture this special location for a family that had grown together on this path. They shared stories of family walks after dinner, and I felt so welcomed. Their laughter was contagious and their love was everlasting.

The Duckworth’s & Extended Family, I will always be grateful that I got this opportunity to freeze these moments for your family. From the youngest to the oldest grandchild, I can tell that your family has truly instilled a legacy of love and values. Your interactions with each other in just our one session together, showed me the authentic nature of your family. My wish for you is that you hold on tight to these small moments that you’re living in…these are the good old days. From the way Landon and Tyler crack jokes to make the entire family laugh, to the way their sweet grandmother observes her family with a heart full of love.

I hope that when you look back on these images, you are reminded of the way that you feel being surrounded by love and the beauty of your walking path!

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