Dedicated to couples who's love is uncontainable and the memories that they have created and have yet to come. Based in Mansfield, Ohio. Available for travel.

Mount. Jeez Fall Family Session

Alyssa and Paige are four years apart, yet on our session together they were completing each others sentences! The whole session I found myself admiring their sweet bond. I’ve always known that a sister is a built in best friend, but watching these two interact with each other was something incredibly special. Alyssa explained to me that they haven’t always gotten a long as well as they do now, and boy do I understand the feeling! I have a younger sister myself, so I can totally relate to their stories of stealing clothes and bickering in the backseat. 

I’m seven years older than my sister, and I remember being so eager for her to come home from the hospital, but I quickly realized that baby sisters are great for tugging at your hair and aggravating you when you just can’t stand it any more. Sometimes, sisters can be the easiest to take for granted because they’ll always be there…even when you may not think you need them. However, Paige and Alyssa brought nothing but joy during our time together! This joy was utterly contagious. Each time they cracked a joke the whole family couldn’t help but smile. They were truly the heart and soul of this session and I could tell by their relationship, they acted as the same in their family. I love the foundation that you’re family laid out for you to help your relationship grow. It made me realize how much I can learn from all of the sweet families around me. Having a sister of my own, I realized how much tighter I should holder onto her and how much harder I should love her. 

The Mitchell family, thank you endlessly for letting me into a little snippet of your beautiful family. You wouldn’t believe how grateful I am to have been the photographer there for your very first set of family photos. The season of life you’re in right now is so precious, so hold on to it tightly because it goes incredibly fast. Alyssa and Paige, thank you for letting me into your sweet relationship. I hope you never lose the pure joyfulness and giggles you share together. I know I could learn from the caring and compassionate sisterhood you two share. No matter the season of life you’re in, I hope you’ll always look back on these photos and remember the way you make each other feel!

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  1. Aunt Susan says:

    Beautifully said Kait! You have a talent for pictures and words!

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